Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to live in joy and happiness?

How to live in joy?

What is the path of joy and happiness?

A question that philosophers and writers as people

you and me often arise?

My goal at that moment is to show you that the joy and happiness

are choices that we make in life every day.

Every moment you can choose to be happy or unhappy as

we shall see later.

Of course you can find those pessimistic people who will tell you that life

is an eternal struggle and the path of salvation is the struggle to survive

others will tell you that the work is health and there are others from

the sweat of your labor has hoped for a better life

others bind a joy luck and chance, some are

advantaged by their social, political, geographical ..;

while others "the unlucky" without. "

The road to happiness is not a search outside itself it is yourselves

If you are stressed all the time if you lack confidence in yourself, if you're too

shy, if procrastination is part of your life if you do not know where you go or what you want,

if you fear haunts the point of paralysis when you: Continue reading

You'll find that these mental states that satisfy your inner world is not yours

and the more you focus on your squeeze you be freed from these constraints that will make life impossible.

The truth is that you have the power to choose has any time.

This is how you respond that counts when events happen that is not the events themselves.

If you lose your job for example, you can choose from the isolationism,

sadness, rebellion on the fate ... as you can react with detachment

and you concentrate on other tasks that you could not make being in your work,

pending and while seeking another job may be better.

Everything that happens in life can be interpreted in a way that stimulates you, v

ous advances in the smile and good mood like in the sense of sadness and depression.

Know yourself has you focus on yourself and set your goals

according to your wishes and make plans to achieve by having the liver in their achievement and determination to follow through.

But know that you do not have to set rules for external condition your happiness

do not see it until you're a millionaire by example

or until you live in a castle or palace.

You can live happy (is) even while waiting to achieve the goals you have set,

even if you live in a shack.

The real problem on your path to your happiness

If you do not feel happy (is) in your life is probably because you

too let the outside world get a grip on you.

Here are some examples to understand:

o 1-a-friend calls you on the phone you were doing your work or any occupation,
o it made you happy but certainly when he began to tell his life
No you do not dare tell him you're busy, or that he is about to encroach
o your time and your pleasure, you then let the discussion continue, but after
No one moment you remember you have an important appointment,
o you stop your current job or your moment of relaxation,
No only will you feel deep within you that you missed something,
o you feel guilty and you still stresses that prevents you from being in phase
o your next business or leisure, and so your day is ruined.

2-You feel you are done for a profession as a musician, doctor or other

you have the skills and qualifications necessary, you're aware that you will excel

in this area you have chosen. the rub is that you're under pressure of daily life

because he must have money, pay your rent, your coffee, cigarettes, clothing ... you do not

wait was that you have your job for you to start making your life

you cancel a make a little money to meet your needs in the meantime, it makes sense.

You see an opportunity

to make you a little tune in continuing your research and you discover that

you pay at the end of the month. you might come to pay your rent, your clothes,

your coffee and daily expenses and you say you're finally like everyone else

you win your life and life is beautiful. Only you do not understand the reason for this daily stress

This has bothered to get up on Monday to go

at work, your bad mood all day, those weeks too long and the amount of work

you can not assume. Despite that you say it's not that bad

because at the end of the month you get your salary and you solve all your problems.

The months and years go by and you're always in the same place at the same work,

you think has now retired after many years of hard struggle and strife

to earn your daily bread in this life so hard.

When was your desire to become an artist or doctor, it was ultimately a passion for youth

and dreams of teenagers who have not yet faced a reality of life, this life is

Finally a fight that must lead to the end to live peaceably the end of these days

or die peacefully after years of suffering.

3-Tired of your single life, you see all these people
No couple so happy with their family, children and decide yourselves
o put you in a couple like everyone else. You look and you can not find the person you need

you seek the advice of professionals such agencies or friends that you advise such person

to live with it the rest of your life. At bottom, you know this person

Not the one that suits you, but to make you like everybody you agree

and you may be fed up and then after a while you

notice that you soaked because this person does not suit you:

you are intellectual and carnal, her brain and you sensual .. you're manic

and his chaotic ... no discussion among yourselves if this is the arguments and shouting matches. the

solution that you will agree is ultimately the separation and then you put a cross

ultimately about love and the coupling can be a life and go again: you're still frustrated (e)

These examples are deliberately exaggerated to show you that we all face

day requirements of our external world that affect our lives but at the expense

our happiness and our inner peace.

How many dreams we have in caves or bins because other

We were told that their achievement was impossible.

How many times have we accepted from spouses who led us life hard

because we are reassured that we are like others and we are afraid of being alone

how many years we have lost a profession that we disliked

we have endured chronic anxiety, constant pressure and an unsustainable burden


to be good citizens and hope that finally retired meat

fill the purposes of our days even if we have the strength nor the desire to profit.


You'll still continue to live for others?

Or you've finally decided to think about you, your desires, your goals, your pleasures

Know that you can at every moment if you want to be happy (is) even without money

without love nothing. Who says you have no money you're unhappy?

Well it other then the outside world made you think you are

unhappy if you do not conform to established rules.

Why you should be friends with anyone, why do anything

What work provided you have paid? It is always to be like others who make us believe

that there are no trades in and as long as we work for a living!

we are productive and useful. but if we are stressed and depressed is normal life itself is a


Life is a struggle, it is a hard fight! Do you think this is so?

If so animals are a thousand times happy that we are sleeping they eat what they want when they want.

If the path to happiness is to fight and struggle all the slaves are happy people,

Slavery itself does not abolish pressed and all workaholics, the hitch will

merry bright but the reality is they are attacked by diseases destroyed by fatigue to win what?

Pay their rent and why? To be like others.

But what you ultimately make him happy?

You say you happy when you tighten tighten millionaires

but if you're a millionaire this moment think you can take?

are you ready to manage the property has the state you fighting for your survival every day?

what will you do with all that money, you did not even prepared to receive

because you think you do not deserve you and it is inaccessible (you think a question of general beliefs of others)

How do you find your perfect companion whether you think you do not deserve

or you'll never have?

How can you develop your gifts, you thrive when you are absorbed by your job

who "saves your survival" leaving you time to sleep so you're tired.

All this to be a good citizen who pays taxes and contributes to die a few years or months after his retirement!?

This is not a critical study on the politico-economic interests me but

how is your sacrifice for others (individuals or corporations in legal language)

can lead a life of misery and frustration.

Just think you have the extreme altruism is no better than extreme selfishness, you will not

ruin your life to satisfy others or even help them because if you help

someone who does not advance your help is useless and energy wasted vote.

Think what gives you joy to you and forget the other one time

What do you want these three days for example? Have you done? Why else?

You feel you are unable? Feel that you do not deserve it? It does not please others?

What is it and why you have not done?

Answer this question?

What can make you happy at that moment as you read these lines? What exactly?

Going out for a walk? Listen to some music? See a movie? Chat with a friend?

you lie? drink? Eat write? discuss? Call? Whether you want this time? What would you do?

If you want to continue doing the reading, if you need anything at that moment

stop reading immediately and you spend what you can afford more pleasure.

If you do not know what makes you happy is that you still let external situations

take precedence over yourselves. You have learned perhaps it's rewarding to be busy,

busy but this occupation makes you really good? your life is filled with homework

obligations and it is populated by "I do," you must do, but for whom? Still for others.

But what about you?

When you decide to do things for love and not by bonds?

You are a person and not a single person on earth is like you so you

may have some qualities that nobody else has. You know how certain things

better than anyone and you love to do some point do not feel the time passing by

making them. The latter (like you) are a sign of the gift that you have so you

must seek ways to improve and if you want, you can save your life.

If you do like the music you have the gift and listening to music can make you

earn money.

If you love sport you will be great (to) sports (er) you like you can read

gain in reading.

Your taste may save you money, and your touch, your hearing, your sight, your head

your hands, feet and all parts of your body. That said, understanding that

you know that you know use your senses at least, better than other

this is what you enjoy doing and if you like doing you can live happily (se)

by exercising as passion and as a profession.

Get rid of these ideas that bind you, those beliefs that limit you, i

lya endless possibilities for a living and be happy (is) making them. Concentrate

So what you love because love is the fuel of life.

The resources are not limited to stop acting with a spirit of competition,

you need to conquer anyone, whatever you want must exist at the center of yourself

and there he shook and sent to you, you attract as a magnet attracts iron.

In your life you act or by rules of personality or of the soul.

You have the habit of using the guidelines of the personalities

not necessarily from the center of yourselves because this personality

you've gained by living in your community with all systems

of thought and belief that your company has imposed.

By cons your soul is bound to you regardless of what people think or believe others, even if your environment.

So if you want to live your real life you have to approach the center of yourselves

and follow the rules of your soul that you differ from any other person on this earth.

Think yourselves what gives you pleasure, if you want to work in a field,

do it and do not worry because it is saturated or that nobody has done before you, if you like to do it.

Warning: I am not saying it should submit your resignation immediately if your current job you do not like

instead you must give 100% to achieve it, but when a real opportunity presents itself to you

in the sense that you like to enter the immediate and persevere to the end.

If you want a companion for your life as you imagine the same physical appearance

in detail, his traits, his personality ... Let this person live

your thoughts and you find that your attention is directed to anyone who has this profile

will then prompt you to act for the request.

He does not think of what makes you happy, you must act to achieve

Now you know what you need as work, what are the traits of the person

you want to share your life, who your true friends in life, how much money do you need for your needs ...

Your thoughts are focused on the elements that constitute life of happiness vote

, you just one step to take is that of effective action.

All you know is not worth anything, is what you practice that counts

they say that hell is paved with good intentions, and you know how many times you said,

I know, yes you knew but what have you done with your knowledge? is what you know

you actually served in your pursuit of happiness? or just know it

intellectual who does not exceed the stage of fondling the brain?

This point is of paramount importance, I reserve a separate article that you read shortly.

Our real problem is that we do not know that we do not know,

We believe all know with our experience that led us to our present situation

and we do nothing to change in the sense of experiencing joy.

Or for that change must first open a further knowledge but

especially the practice out of its comfort zone and face

the area of discomfort that we know (know) and it is not just

in the area of discomfort that sometimes get results which disputes are bound

a willingness to learn and take action to achieve it.

In summary: know that the road to happiness is a state of mind like wealth

and poverty and everything else. To live happy (is) you must detect

moments and things that make you happy is you and not to others, you must

spend most of your time to these moments of well-being and you must choose

a job you love, friends you motivated and will give you real

exchanges, a companion to you is, a situation that meets your real needs.

So whatever you do in life should be a choice in line with what you feel in your innermost being.

You will not fear the unknown, you agree to the contrary, new

knowledge different from those that led you to this you

lived so far, you feel so free from all constraints

and you act effectively to achieve what you really want

which is nothing other than the path of your joy and your happiness on this earth.

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